Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Yellow Wallpaper Communication Essay - 1217 Words
Communication within â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a woman who writes about personal experience, and in her short â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†we learn exactly who our author is based off of the language and communication she shows us throughout the short. The Yellow Wallpaper is very captivating short, mainly because the language and communication between characters drives you crazy. The man, the dominant character in the story, has so much to say about his wife’s mental condition and almost refuses to let her feel how she does. Gilman explains how this story wasn’t made to drive people crazy but it was made to save people from being driven crazy. She knows that she has the power to make a difference within literature and†¦show more content†¦An image of an unhealthy relationship. Throughout the beginning of the short you see the wife say, â€Å"John says†(844-5) over and over again. That shows me that she is scar ed of him, John says this and John says that. It shows me that our narrator isn’t permitted to have a thought that is her own. Male to male conversation and female to female conversation is so friendly and comfortable. Male to Female conversation is dominant, aggressive, assertive and sometimes dangerous. While female to male conversation would be soft and understanding, always agreeing with what the male says. I would consider women in this time period to be a pet or toy to the male, dominant figure in her life. The use of the words in this short is very important, and gives you the information you need to know to interpret the short. For instance, on page 845 it says, â€Å"It was a nursery first, then a playroom and gymnasium. I should judge; for the windows are barred for little children.†This tells us that our woman has post-partum depression. She feels as if she is trapped or in an asylum within her own home, and I believe that’s what causes her to go cra zy. It is no surprise that the woman feels trapped behind the pattern of the yellow wallpaper. She does the same thing all day, every day with little to nothing to do so all she can do is wonder and question the yellow wallpaper. No wonder our narrator is going insane. She is slowly but surely sinking into madness and graduallyShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Yellow Wallpaper1146 Words  | 5 PagesCharacter Analysis Essay English 1002 Rodems February 7, 2011 The Yellow Wallpaper Many people deal with post-traumatic depression and it can have a huge impact on one’s life. In the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gillman, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the main character, as well as the narrator, is an unnamed woman dealing with post-traumatic depression. 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